24-Aug-19 01:58 PM
Sparks is answering Zomatree's Question:
Question: What's one of your favorite technologies?
Sparks: I really like DevOps technologies in general because they assist my workflow and let me focus on the work I enjoy doing!
Sparks is answering supergrecko's Question:
Question: What was your first language
Sparks: My first language was HTML, followed shortly by Javascript!
Sparks is answering SkyHawk's Question:
Question: What is your favorite personal project?
Sparks: My favorite personal project was Mirage (or Imager!). Here's a description!:
An all-in-one PXE boot, nuke, and imaging orchestration system written primarly in NestJS and Angular 6. Capable of automating the deployment/reimaging of machines while operating as a one-to-many server over a shared or isolated network, servicing upwards of 200 machines at a time. Utilizes iPXE and network technologies such as DHCP (provided by dnsmasq).
The only limitation we faced was providing enough power to the grid of machines to be reimaged
Sparks is answering Megh's Question:
Question: How did you get into coding
Sparks: I picked up a book and started playing around with it. I discovered that I really liked the frustration-to-satisfaction, problem-solving nature of programming, and took off from there!
Sparks is answering Zomatree's Question:
Question: how long have you been doing programming
Sparks: I have been a professional programmer for over a decade now!
Sparks is answering jimmyneutron's Question:
Question: how do you not procrastinate for so many hours striaght
Sparks: I like what I do. I find that if you enjoy what you're doing, you'll pour yourself into it. Burn out is a real thing though, so be careful!
Sparks is answering Dreameh's Question:
Question: Cats or Dogs?
Sparks is answering afl's Question:
Question: PHP or Node for backend?
Sparks: I prefer Node, but I am fluent in PHP.
Sparks is answering SlambodianJones's Question:
Question: when first starting out in a professional environment, how did you combat that useless feeling of not knowing everything you wish you had?
Sparks: I did not know as much as I do now, and if I could tell myself then that it's okay to not know everything, I would. It's an acceptance thing, you don't know everything but you cannot be expected to know everything; you're just starting out!
Sparks is answering DemonDestroyer's Question:
Question: What is you least favorite thing about your favorite programming language?
Sparks: How much it's disliked lol!
Sparks is answering Lgneous's Question:
Sparks: I do not, but i'll have the occasional function or calculation I have to input into FL Studio. However! I really like programmatic music as well, and I think it's a neat subject I'd like to look more into.
Sparks is answering Djolo's Question:
Question: How do you manage your time?
Sparks: I don't, I find myself constantly pouring into my work. It's something I have to work on.
Sparks is answering Datberry's Question:
Question: How did you learn software design? through experience or formal teaching/training?
Sparks: I learned through a combination of experience and intuition. I find that if something doesn't make sense to me, it probably isn't going to make sense to anyone else!
Sparks is answering supergrecko's Question:
Question: favorite dinner dish?
Sparks: Pho Tai Bo Vien! I am a sucker for a good pho dish.
Sparks is answering Shone's Question:
Question: What do you enjoy the most about being a developer and about the dev culture?
Sparks: I thoroughly enjoy the people I meet, learning from them and teaching them. Generally in the developer field you'll find a mix of people, but we're all striving to be better people in general. Development sort of gives you a mindset to think and to problem solve, and I find that shines through for most developers.
Sparks is answering Scree's Question:
Question: What was your biggest software engineering challenge and how did you overcome it?
Sparks: Sleep! I find that when I really enjoy a problem, i pour myself into it, often forgetting to get my basic necessities taken care of. There are other actual software challenges I could describe, but for me the most important is taking care of myself in the face of a really interesting problem.
Sparks is answering DemonDestroyer's Question:
Question: What do you do in your free time when you are not programming?
Sparks: I'll be honest, I play with computers more. I have an entire lab set up for tinkering. I just like technology, what can I say?
Sparks is answering Djolo's Question:
Question: What do you prefer listening whilst developing, if you listen to anything at all?
Sparks: I find myself gravitating to lyric-less songs with a good beat, but i have been known to hum songs and be generally musically oriented even if something isn't playing.
Sparks is answering Fakerac's Question:
Question: Favorite game?
Sparks: Armored Core: For Answer. One that people know? Overwatch.
Sparks is answering Orkin's Question:
Question: Have you contributed to Open Source projects? If so, what's the best way to get started?
Sparks: I have contributed to open source projects. The best way to get started is to dive in and read the contribution guide! JAHST DO IT!
Sparks is answering SlambodianJones's Question:
Question: How do you stay ahead in a new department? For instance, I've taken a DevOps role which is quite new to me as there are tons of moving pieces.
Sparks: Take some time to sit down and play with the tooling you're given. You'll find that if you have hands-on playtime with it, it'll become much easier to handle!
Sparks is answering Radical Ninja's Question:
Question: Is it okay when you feel that you haven't really made progress, like you literally can't make progress and stuck, is it normal?
Sparks: Completely normal. People tend to think no progress equates to being inadequate, but in reality you just need a break and to come back to it with a fresh mindset!
Sparks is answering spirit_warriors's Question:
Question: What is your educational background?
Sparks: I am completely self-taught. I went to school to earn a degree several times, and while I probably should go back, I have decided for the meantime that academia is not for me.
Sparks is answering Djolo's Question:
Question: Is it stressful doing this Q&A?
Sparks: Not really, but also kind of.
Sparks is answering Nicholas's Question:
Question: What were your first few meaningful projects, and looking back now do you think you could've gone a different direction that would've been more beneficial?
Sparks: My first few meaningful projects were for my own use in my retail / customer service jobs. Looking back on them now I am certain there was a better way to do it but I don't wish that I could go back and fix them. Iteration is key not only in development but also in learning.
Sparks is answering Hope's Question:
Question: What's a habit that you think played a great role in making you better at what you do (other than consistency)
Sparks: Uh, not having a life for a long time
I tended to pursue playing with technology because I love it, but i have found myself now looking for more adventures to live.
Sparks is answering Djolo's Question:
Question: Best advice you'd give to someone getting into programming.
Sparks: Play with it. Do it for fun, and don't give up. Don't listen to anyone who tells you you're not good enough, especially your own voice. You can do it!
Sparks is answering Djolo's Question:
Question: Who / What influenced you most on your programming journey?
Sparks: Generally, my personal desire to learn as much as I can!
Sparks is answering supergrecko's Question:
Question: GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket?
Sparks: I like gitlab a lot, but github is best for those little green squares the interviewers look for!
Sparks is answering Bumble bee's Question:
Question: What is your favourite programing language?
Sparks: Javascript. Also sorry not sorry.
Sparks is answering Zomatree's Question:
Question: how many projects do you work on at a time
Sparks: Too many, but hey, where's the fun in simplicity?
Sparks is answering Fakerac's Question:
Question: Favorite show, anime or anything of sorts? (This counts for music and movies too)
Sparks: I like hero stuff. I can't help it.
Sparks is answering kiyo's Question:
Question: There has been talk of a lot of outsourcing within the field of software development, IT, and CS at large. From your experience, has outsourcing had a large effect on the field?
Sparks: Yes, however there are so many opportunities out there that at this moment I don't think it's affecting as many developers from a hiring standpoint. In-job developers, yes.
Sparks is answering SlambodianJones's Question:
Question: Favorite Overwatch character?
Sparks: Tracer
Sparks is answering Fox's Question:
Question: What is the most important fact about programming that you wish non-programmers understood?
Sparks: Well, the most important fact about programming that non-developers should understand is that it's not push-button simple. The most important thing a developer should know about development is that being a human being is important too!
Sparks is answering Mutex's Question:
Question: Preference for statically typed languages, or dynamically typed languages, and why?
Sparks: I like interpreted languages because I like the way they write. Otherwise, either is fine!
Sparks is answering Djolo's Question:
Question: Have you ever mentored someone? If so, how did it go?
Sparks: Yes, I taught 4th graders and a group in dallas called Free Code Camp Dallas. Both experiences were excellent!
Sparks is answering ddivad's Question:
Question: Have you ever experienced burnout / lack of motivation when it comes to programming & do you have any tips to overcome it?
Sparks: Absolutely, and my tip would be to slow down. Find something that interests you again, and integrate that into your workflow.
Sparks is answering Mutex's Question:
Question: What text editor/IDE do you prefer, and what features from that particular environment do you consider most important?
Sparks: My order for "i have a problem i need to solve" is: vim/emacs (whatever I'm feeling for text editing), then vs code, then I breakout jetbrains products for really stubborn or involved issues
Sparks is answering Ping | Pong's Question:
Question: would you trade your career in tech for a career in music if the opportunity presented itself?
Sparks: Probably not, I prefer to keep my music creativity as a creative outlet or hobby!
Sparks is answering Djolo's Question:
Question: Is there anything you regret doing in your programming career?
Sparks: Of course, but I don't let my regrets hold me back anymore. Life is meant to be lived, through the good and the bad.
Sparks is answering doodspav's Question:
Question: How important has relatively advanced math been to your programming career? (e.g. matrices, calculus, transforms...)
Sparks: Not very important, but I find myself working on things that don't require too much math anyways.
Sparks is answering Djolo's Question:
Question: How are your experiences in TPH? Did the community help you with something you had difficulties with, either in programming or something else?
Sparks: Absolutely. I love TPH, the community is great here. I have had trouble in the past with programming and non-programming problems, and everyone's always been kind to me.
Sparks is answering Elite's Question:
Question: How did you come up with your alias?
Sparks: I invented my alias when the Xbox 360 came out. I chose the most generic tech-related username I could think of for my gamertag, on purpose, so that "people had to get to know me in order to know me." I was misguided to think anyone wanted to "Get to know me" on xbox live.
Sparks is answering Vanta's Question:
Question: favorite mechanical switch ?
Sparks: Adomax Flaretech B prism switches (blue equivalents). If you aren't sure what that is, check out the wooting one!